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Ten on Tuesday...

Welcome to this week's Ten on Tuesday questions c/o Roots & Rings.

1.  How did your parents decide on your name?
A lot of people ask me about my first name "Bevin".  Well, Mom has told me two stories. 
(1) That the name was on a Soap Opera, which would totally make sense for my family...we love Soap Operas. (2) That they thought that I was going to be a boy, and they were going to name me "Devin".  When they found out I was going to be a girl, they changed the "D" to a "B" and called it a day.  My middle name is "Caitlin".  Caitlin is connected to the name Kathleen, which is my mother's name.

2.  Do your initials (First, Middle, Last) spell out anything fun/funny? 
BCC....not really?  But I do love that whenever I get anything monogrammed with my initials (First, Last, Middle) my initials are still the same.

3.  Did you take your middle name from childhood or did you take your maiden name as your middle name? (If unmarried, what do you plan to do?)
I am not married...duh.  Well, this is difficult because I go by both my first and middle names (Bevin & Caitlin).  So, I'm guessing I will more than likely drop my last name...which I'm kind of totally cool with...for those who know the fun people like to have with my last name sometimes.

4.  Are you or will you name your children thematically (ie. same first letter, all of the same origin...) 
That's a no...I do plan on having a significance to the sames, but not a running "theme" to the names.

5.  Did you decided on baby names as a little girl?  Did you stick to them or change your mind?
Again...I'm not married...and no kids.  But I do keep a list of boy and girl names that I would possibly like to name my children in the future.  These are names that I've come across in the past and thought "that's interesting."  Funny story, when I was a substitute teacher right out of college, when I would get a class roll I would look at the names of the students and take a note of the cool names that I came across.  Okay, maybe that's a little weird, but if you've ever been a sub before, you can understand that it's important to find SOMETHING to amuse yourself while you're there.  I've actually come up with some "front runners" that way.  But of course the final say will come from both my husband and myself.

6.  Does your family have any names that have been passed down through generations?
We have a lot of names that are passed down, and I hope to continue in that tradition in the future.

7.  Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
I do like for the name to have a meaning because, depending on the meaning, it gives them something to live up to.  However, it does help if the name sounds pretty.

8.  Do you name pets with human names (Sally, Henry) or with pet names (Fluffly, Mr. Bo Bo)?
I did have a dog named Buddy when I was little.  But all of my other dogs have had human names:  Murphy, Rudy, Kaite.  I think it has to do with the fact that we treat our dogs as members of the family.  Now, my "non-dog" pets have had "pet" names.  We once had a front-porch cat that adopted us and we lovingly referred to him as "Mr. Cat."  Every goldfish I ever owned was called "Goldie."  I did have a hand-me-down hampster once that was called Ralph...he was the exception.

9.  Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on childhood experience/someone you once knew?
I've always liked the name Blake for a girl or a guy.  It's because my very first crush was on a boy named Blake, but I also like the name Blake for a girl too. 

10.  What are some of your favorite names?  Why?
I really want to name my daughter "Finley."  It's a family thing.  She'd either go by Finley or Finn.  And no, that's not because of Glee!  For a boy, I'm kind of letting whoever my husband is make the call on that one.  I have some names on my list, but none that are a MUST.  But, Finley is definitely one that I'll push for. 

XOXO Bevin