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Haters gotta Hate...

Sometimes when you wake up in the just want to wear something comfy, but with "personalilty".  Well, this surely has "personality."  So, whenever I wear these pants I come to expect comments...but I had some from a few surprising sources today. 
First, the peanut gallery that is my 2nd period class said that I looked "very patriotic".  (1) It's Red, Black, and Blue.  (2)...shut up, what's so wrong with being patriotic.  Crazy jaded teenagers.  They also had a 5 mintue conversation about the zipper on the side of my top...we get alot done in 2nd period. 
Then, my best friend that works at the same school called my outfit "very interesting" today at lunch. 
Him:  "You've got Spring going on with the pants, and the dead of Winter on the top"
Me:  *death stare*
I then proceeded to throw grapes at his face and threw him out of my classroom.  Just Kidding.  But I did politely explain to him that the top is not "Dead of Winter".  It's actually not that heavy of a knit.  And who can resist the zipper detail!!?  And I thought it would be fun with red pants!
top: Gap
red pants: Gap
peep-toe flats: H&M

XOXO Bevin