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We won! But we lost an hour...

Hey y'all!  Did you have a great weekend!?  You couldn't have asked for better weather here in North Carolina.  It was beautiful!  

My weekend started off Friday night with Book Club with some of the girls I work with.  We always have a good time relaxing and having a little fellowship outside of school and discussing books.  Then, Saturday my high school alma mater (also the school where I work) was in the 3A State Championship in Basketball in Raleigh,NC.  My parents and I decided to drive up and stay the night, I crashed with my brother and his wife. 
Well, WE WON!  Those boys almost gave me a heart attack though because it was CLOSE the whole game and came down the the last 3 seconds until we finally pulled ahead and won!  The hallways at school were widened this morning in order to allow for their egos...but justly so.  After the game I went out with my brother and his wife and some of their friends to listen to some bands and hang out.  It was a great weekend.  The only bad thing is the hour we lost (stupid daylight savings)...still recovering from it and probably will be this whole week. 

I went for comfort today in a maxi dress and jean jacket...I didn't get to sleep last night until 1am because of the time change.
      scarf: Nordstroms
black t-shirt(eventhough you can't see it well): LOFT
maxi dress: Old Navy
jean jacket: Old Navy
flats: H&M
red earrings: Target
I haven't worn "dangly" earrings in a LONG time...having to get used to them.
I'm fairly simple when it comes to earrings.  I did go through a "chandelier" stage in college, but I mostly wear pearl or "diamond" studs now.  Then I saw these at Target last week and HAD to have them.  Something about having long hair makes me want to wear longer earrings.
XOXO Bevin