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Hungry lamps eating up my hard drive..

Friends be ware, it is time to release some of the 'hungry lamps' that have been nibbling up my hard drive space for some time now..

They lurk in the most elegant and splendid settings, and their electrifying beauty easily seduces those around them.. People and decor items, be afraid. Be very afraid..

Note the wide eyed sun flowers and the praying statuette.. They know this small but ferocious table lamp is about to demolish the bowl of blushing apples.. It may even take out the hiding stools!

The tension is tangible here as this industrial beauty closes in on the poor little laptop.. The black socked old chair inches itself away in utter fear..

A seemingly harmless house lamp makes its move on a bunch of terrified flowers. The wooden vases are scared stiff, and the poor throw seems to have fainted leaving it's long silky tassels limp..

Invisible at first sight perhaps.. but look carefully towards the window and you will see the long legged wolf, ready to strike a stack of books. Let's hope there are no children's books in there..!

The air left the lungs of the poor poof when this tall monster entered the room..! You can cut through the air here..!

A devastated string of pom poms is desperately trying to hide as this orange retro beast firmly clamps on to a stack of books before making its move..

This silent hunter raised from behind the curtain and made one of the young pillows change colour... It is oblivious to the fact that we think the room is beautiful..

It's snack time in the library and the logs in the large basket have fled the scene as a sexy studio beast glides in to the room... The ladder is desperately trying to calm the noticeably frazzled books, and some of the photographs have slid down the wall in preparation for a quick exit..!

These sly, fierce and effective twin hunters are totally ignoring the stunning rustic beams in the ceiling. All they care about is how they can reach down to nab one of the tangibly scared pillows on the bed..!

This elegant chair is clearly anorexic and is not up for a fight with this hungry gold digger. The heavy drape is creasing itself in the knowledge that the prevailing peace won't last much longer..

Two sleek Italian designer demons search high and low for edible treats in this fabulous apartment. The herringbone floors seem to have gone dull from the tension and the poor vase on the mantle is about to explode from holding it's breath..

Don't be fooled by the relaxed feel of this lovely guestroom.. This stunning but dangerous little bedside monster has just taken out the duvet. The scene was so horrid that the photographs in the lovely black oval frames decided to slip out of the room..!

For history on the subject of 'hungry lamps' please click HERE and HERE.

xx Charlotta 


P.S. Please visit 'A Tranquil Townhouse' to read my rambles on 'global style'.. You will love this warm and humorous blog that is authored by my dear friend Kerry Martin (when she is not gallivanting around DC and NYC..!)