Blog Archive

Class at Monica's Tomorrow

I'm finally back from Bead Fest Santa Fe (which was so much fun!) and ready to take on the two remaining workshops I have scheduled at Monica's Quilt & Bead Creations in Palm Desert.
First, my Worm Bead bracelet pictured above. It's scheduled for tomorrow, from 10 am to 4 pm, and includes twisting fine gauge wire, making wire-wrapped worm beads, bead dangles on headpins, and handmade jump rings. I'll show you how to make a cool clasp, too.
If you'd like to take this workshop, Monica has the supply list; please note that the bracelet looks great in copper wire as well as the sterling silver wire pictured. Register by calling 760-772-2400.
On March 24 I'm scheduled to teach the Silver Sampler bracelet pictured above. Of course, it can also be made using copper wire and still looks great at a fraction of the cost! Learn to make a double-coil wrapped bead, worm bead (slightly different from the worm beads we make in the class held tomorrow), heart links, Greek spiral links, jump rings, hook clasp, and more. A very full day packed with techniques, appropriate for all skill levels. I hope you can come! Monica has a supply list at the store.
To register, call 760-772-2400.
Happy wrapping,