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Ten on Tuesday...

This week's Ten on Tuesday c/o Roots & Rings!
And it's ANOTHER food related one!

1.  What is a food that you never thought you would try, but then tried and liked?
I remember the first time I tried Asparagus.  I was terrified, but my mom promised I would like it.  It had just been roasted in a pan in the oven with a little olive oil and salt & pepper.  IT WAS GREAT!  And now I crave asparagus atleast once a week, but you have to wait for it to go on sale because that stuff is EXPENSIVE!

2.  Do you subscribe to any foodie publications?  If so, which ones?
I don't subscribe to any magazines (my mom get's the "Simply Delicious" magazines) but I do love food blogs! 

3.  What ingredient do you find yourself reaching for the most when you cook?
That would be Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Onions.  There is nothing quite like that combination to create a savory dish!

4.  Are there any foods you hated as a child, but then learned to like as an adult?
Well, there are lots!  But to name a few:  fresh tomatoes, raw carrots, brussel sprouts, spinach, onions, pickles.

5.  What do you like to eat that others may consider weird?
I have a lot.  Being that I was chubby chubs (and still am a bit) when I was little, I loved food and weird food combos.  I love peas, and I've found that many hate them.  But I live for small early sweet peas.  My favorite combo when I was little was a little classic Hamburger Helper (macaroni and cheese with ground beef) with peas...mixed together.  On that same note, I loved mashed potatoes, peas, and ketchup mixed together.  To this day though, my favorite dish is the mac n' cheese and peas combo.  Love it.  ALSO, my favorite peanut butter-ish sandwich is a peanut butter, banana, and MAYO sandwich.  Something about the TANG of the mayo with the peanut butter is just amazing to me...I blame my mother.  But this creeps and grosses many people out...oh well.

6.  What is the weirdest ingredient you've ever cooked with?
Being that I am still a new vegetarian (since last October), I am still experimenting with different things and my most recent was with the "fake ground beef" from Morningstar.  The "Beef crumbles" as they are described, are supposed to be used as a substitute for ground beef in recipes.  I'm still not sure how I am supposed to cook with it because there aren't any instructions on the bag!!!  So I'm just "browning" it in a pan as I normally would ground beef...but this stuff is already brown, so I usually just cook it through.  It doesn't taste like ground beef at all and has a bit of a different texture...but it's okay.

7.  Do you have any major food allergies?
Not that I know of THANK GOODNESS.  But I worry that someday I will have a reaction to cheese or chocolate...and then my life will be over.

8.  Is there an ingredient that you would like to cook with, but are intimidated to try?
Well, it's more than ONE ingredient, but I would love to learn to bake bread.  But the whole letting it rise and delicate operation of it all scares me beyond.

9.  Do you bake?
Oh, I LOVE to bake.  In college, I blame the 15 pounds I gained on the fact that Junior and Senior year I had a functioning oven in my apartment.  Brownies, cakes, cookies, etc.  Now, at the homestead, with the 'rents, our oven is crap.  The broiler (top coils) does not work.  So, I don't trust it anymore for "even" baking.

10. If you could go on any "foodie" show to compete, which would it be, and why?
Eek!  I wouldn't go on a "competition" show, but I would love to be a guest on pretty much any of the Food Network shows.  Paula Deen or Giada would be my first choices...because I love Butter, Bread, Pasta, and Nutella.  I would like to be a judge on Top Chef...mostly so I could hang out with Tom Colicchio.

XOXO Bevin

PS.  no outfit post today.  It was boring, I promise.  Trouser Jeans and a sweater...yawn.