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An injection of Swedish glossy love..

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Swedish 'Sköna Hem' and all the fabulous house tours they so generously share via their website. Not only does it allow for much appreciated time to dream and be inspired, it also gives me an instant injection of 'home-sickness-remedy'.

Here are some recent house tours that captured my Swedish heart in their own unique manner.. Hope you enjoy them too.

1. Spicy art den in the heart of Kopenhagen

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2. Greenwich rooftop treat..

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3. Italian hide-away 

All images via Sköna Hem

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Breaking News!

I was also thrilled to learn that Sköna Hem is launching a new magazine 

The launch issue is released on the 26th April and to pre-order your copy, please click HERE. And please do, because you just know that this magazine will be just as wonderful as the 'mothership'!

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Last but not least. Today you will also find me guest posting over at my dear friend Kerry's  wonderful blog - 'A Tranquil Townhouse'. Please pop in to read my rambles on 'Global style'..

Hope you are all enjoying a relaxing weekend.

xx Charlotta