Blog Archive

Ten on Tuesday...

This week's "Ten on Tuesday" c/o Roots and Rings!

1. What is your cleaning style?
I have "self-diagnosed" OCD.  I like things in "their place".  I love doing laundry and organizing.

2. What is your favorite thing to add to an outfit to take it from casual to classy?
I like to add height with a heel.  Something about standing a little taller makes me feel more dressed up.

3. Do you like stormy weather?
I only like stormy weather when I can sleep during it or read.  I HATE storms when I have to drive in them.

4. What is your favorite cold treat on a hot day?
Frozen grapes, Diet Cherry-Limeade from Sonic (with mozzarella sticks), or a cold beer in a frosty glass.

5. What is your favorite warm treat on a cold day?
Either soup and a grilled cheese sandwich or homemade macaroni n' cheese with red wine.

6. Who is your favorite animated character?
I'm going to be a stereotypical girl my age and say a Disney Princess.  Cinderella has always been "my Disney princess".  Non-Disney character(s)...Tom & Jerry.

7. What do you keep your jewelry in?
Various places.  The majority of my jewelry is in a beaded/embellished box from Target.  My longer necklaces are hung on random push-pins in my wall in my room.  My earrings are hung on a DIY hanger that I made in college that consists of a wired hanger and pantyhose.

8. Do any of the rooms in your house have a theme?
Only my kitchen...the theme is eating.

9. Do you watch any interior design TV shows - if so, what is your favorite?
Not really.  They only depress me because of the fact that I don't have an interior to design.  But, I do like reading blogs about it.

10. When was the last time you did something rist-taking?
Not a huge risk-taker but I do plan to take some risks in the near future.  It's time to make the jump and make things happen.

XOXO Bevin