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Reunited and it feels so good...

Oh how I have missed this dress and it's teal twin!  I got this dress (and a teal version) from H&M last Summer and LIVED in them.  That's what I love about switching my closets for the seasons.  It feels like you are reunited with old friends...there I go treating clothes like people again...
But seriously, it brings back memories of the year before and brings about new plans for this year!
Yet again, these pictures don't do justice for the color of this dress.  It looks orange in these, but it's actually a bright coral/pink.  Very much along the lines of the Pantone "Honeysuckle" color that is said to be the big color this next season.  I loved the contrast of it with the beige (and sequined!) cardigan.  Another thing I love about this dress is that it is SO freakin' simple (just a cotton tank dress)...but there's "a twist" in that the hemline is asymmetrical, it's shorter in the front and longer in the back.
cardigan: Old Navy
dress & belt: H&M
gold ballet flats: Target

XOXO Bevin