Blog Archive

Awkward and Awesome Thursday...

- getting to work and finding that you have a big glob of cream cheese in your hair from your bagel that morning...yay long hair!
- calling out a student for putting "Beer Pong" instead of "Beer Hall" Putsch for an answer on their History of the Holocaust quiz...actually, that was kind of an "awesome" moment.
- really wanting a pack of crackers from the vending machine and only having 40 cents...ALL I NEED IS A DIME!! C'mon!
- being introduced to our student representatives at the Prom Committee meeting this week and the chairperson (who I worked with on the committee last year) forgot my name.

- making connections via social media mediums...and finding possible job prospects.
- speaking of social media...the possibility that I could make that AND fashion together a possible career path...dude
- my NYC trip planning. Not sure if it will happen over Spring Break, but it will definitely happen early Summer (but hopefully even sooner if I can get an interview...ONE WAY TICKET PLEASE!?)
- "Pay Day" technically lands on we get paid THIS FRIDAY (or Thursday night @ midnight)!
- a clean and organized closet, bedroom, and bathroom.  I LOVE Spring cleaning!
- THIS pink skirt that I wore this week!

Have a great Thursday! 
Hey, guess what?!  Tomorrow is Friday!

XOXO Bevin