Blog Archive

purple haze

posts are getting far too sparse around here for my taste. smarten up, Sarah.

another whirlwind weekend in exciting Aberdeen. it sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm really not. somehow the weekends always tend to get away with me.

friday was CANADA DAY! my first one out of Newfoundland. nothing makes you more patriotic than living in a foreign country. Brando and me got all gussied up in red & white to go to his classmate's birthday party. we made it a little combination-celebration for the Canadians around. I'm so mad I didn't take any pictures cause it was a riot. also my dress was awesome.

saturday, conversely, sucked. but we don't need to talk about that. and here we are!

I've been meaning to put up some photos of this outfit for a while, but I always ended up neglecting picture-taking till it's too dark out... so I just kept wearing it over again and hoping eventually it would happen. basically this was like the third time I'd worn this in a month! but it's okay because I like it and it's super comfy. 

dress + tights- american apparel // cardigan- h&m // shoes- new look

I love this cardigan. it's the perfect length and colour for summer. ever buy something and suddenly you can't picture any outfits without it? that's how I feel about this. and aqua blue in general, right now. 

summer is gradually creeping into our lives. we got two days of sun this weekend! of course I was working through both of them. but my time will come. I can't wait to have a day off where I can have a picnic and lie in the grass and even... go SWIMMING. 

sigh. someday I would like to live someplace with normal weather patterns. 

playing: bold as love- Jimi Hendrix