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The gift that grew

When I first moved into my apartment nearly two years ago, I sat there amidst the boxes and bare rooms, and had this thought: 'I wish someone would bring me flowers.'
I've always liked to grow flowers for picking, to bring life into my home.
But here I was, with no garden, and no welcome.
Then a friend came, bearing a yellow gerbera in a pot. I was elated! It flowered beautifully for quite a while, and then as potted plants do, it stopped and became just a leafy plant.
This year I decided to plant it out into my little balcony garden.
And here it is, flowering again, despite the wintry weather and blasting winds.
It seems to be smiling at me.
It welcomes me home, just as my friend did, so many months ago.
If you know someone who has just moved in to a new home, you can't go wrong by taking a flowering plant in a pot (no vases required), a plate of freshly baked scones, or a jar of home-made soup. Your gesture will be remembered forever.