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savor vs dream

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend about dreaming - how to manifest our dreams, how to create them, how to inspire the big ones, and what our current dreams were for our lives. Secretly, during our conversation,  I wondered if it would be ok to stop dreaming for awhile, to take a break - I didn't really have any current BIG dreams for my life. Besides, I was starting to worry that chasing one dream after the next takes a lot of energy, both spiritually and physically. And then she said it: Kelly, you are living a big wide open dream of yours right now. It's okay to stay right where you are, savoring it. There are times to dream and times to savor.

I haven't stopped thinking of it since.  I'm learning this really important piece - that sometimes we get caught up in creating new dreams for ourselves, or thinking that we should be dreaming, that we forget that it's perfectly okay to savor the ones that are currently living and breathing in our lives today without even the thought of the next dream, the next path. So simple, yet so true. I wanted to pass on this wisdom because there is so much power in simply resting inside our lives and dreams as they are today - to really savor every second. There are times to dream, and times to savor. 

the previously sold out candles, travel mugs, and magnet boards are back in stock. just for you!