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{interview: so canadian, eh?}

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you are using the last weekend day to the fullest and enjoying some sun wherever you are :) Today I am over at Barbara's lovely blog, hodge:podge, where she is interviewing lil' old me in her fantastic series 'So Canadian, Eh?' I don't feel cool enough to be included, to be honest ... I mean last weeks interview was with THE Tommy Smythe for goodness sake! Be sure to check that fabulous interview out! I feel really lucky to have had the chance to become friends with Barbara, she is one sweet and amazingly talented lady who can DIY pretty much anything, so be sure to take the time to look around while you visit. Needless to say, I really thank Barbara for including me!!

So if you have ever wondered how I started up my blog, what I'm studying in school, or what has surprised me about blogging, be sure to go here to read the interview!