{nope, no baby bump. just some bloating and a big butt.
also, don't mind all the clothes on the floor. i totally went through every
drawer and laundry basket in search of pants that fit,
but couldn't find any.}
And now, at 29 weeks, I feel like a huge, massive cow. Then I remember that I have 11 weeks to go, and wonder how in the hell am I going to fit through doorways.
{ here i am at 26 weeks. i'm only up 12lbs. where did the arm fat come from?!
and holy badonk!! baby got back.}
I hit the third trimester at 27 weeks, and took a new photo. This was the morning we left for the beach!

{beach bound at 27.5 weeks!}
I feel like I'm carrying low. What do you all think?
In other baby news:
- Holy crap, I'm in my third trimester. There are 79 days until my due date.
- I am SO not a fan of this heat index and humidity. My feet look like little balloons, and my ankles are so swollen it hurts to walk. Also? My shoes don't fit. I'm down to one pair of flipflops that fit me.
- Baby G is about 3lbs (probably more; they thought she was around 2lbs at my 24 week visit!!) and 15" long.
- I've been consistently measuring 1-2 weeks ahead (though at 24 weeks, I was measuring 27. OMG.), since my 11 week appointment. They're not making anything official, but it sounds like the bean might make her appearance sooner rather than later.
- I'm having a hard time sleeping, and an even harder time getting out of bed/rolling over. My husband tells me I'm like a turtle on its shell!
- I have the pregnancy weepies. I cry over everything. It's happy tears (99% of the time..) and I can't control myself (or the tearflow).
- Our baby shower is this week, and gifts are already showing up at our doorstep. My nana surprised us with a MamaRoo and a pack-n-play, and yes, I totally cried when my husband assembled the pack-n-play & hung the tiny turtle mobile on it.
- I booked our newborn photographer & am having a few outfits being made for the shoot from etsy. So very excited about this (but also cannot believe that in 11 weeks, I'll have a newborn!).
- If I could live in yoga pants and tank tops, I would.
- I've been feeling so much movement in the last few weeks, and at times, her jabs and kicks are ever so slightly painful.
- I'm not a fan of Braxton Hicks. Nope, nope, nope..
- My sister reminded me this morning that in two weeks, she leaves for her junior year of college... and the next time she sees me, Ben & I will have the baby. Holy crap.
My baby shower is this coming Saturday, so we're super busy trying to get last minute things in order: The house needs cleaned (family is coming over afterward!) and a few things need done in her nursery (we'll be storing all the gifts + sorting through them in her nursery) to make more room.
Other than that? I'm so ready for this baby to be here!!
In other baby news:
- Holy crap, I'm in my third trimester. There are 79 days until my due date.
- I am SO not a fan of this heat index and humidity. My feet look like little balloons, and my ankles are so swollen it hurts to walk. Also? My shoes don't fit. I'm down to one pair of flipflops that fit me.
- Baby G is about 3lbs (probably more; they thought she was around 2lbs at my 24 week visit!!) and 15" long.
- I've been consistently measuring 1-2 weeks ahead (though at 24 weeks, I was measuring 27. OMG.), since my 11 week appointment. They're not making anything official, but it sounds like the bean might make her appearance sooner rather than later.
- I'm having a hard time sleeping, and an even harder time getting out of bed/rolling over. My husband tells me I'm like a turtle on its shell!
- I have the pregnancy weepies. I cry over everything. It's happy tears (99% of the time..) and I can't control myself (or the tearflow).
- Our baby shower is this week, and gifts are already showing up at our doorstep. My nana surprised us with a MamaRoo and a pack-n-play, and yes, I totally cried when my husband assembled the pack-n-play & hung the tiny turtle mobile on it.
- I booked our newborn photographer & am having a few outfits being made for the shoot from etsy. So very excited about this (but also cannot believe that in 11 weeks, I'll have a newborn!).
- If I could live in yoga pants and tank tops, I would.
- I've been feeling so much movement in the last few weeks, and at times, her jabs and kicks are ever so slightly painful.
- I'm not a fan of Braxton Hicks. Nope, nope, nope..
- My sister reminded me this morning that in two weeks, she leaves for her junior year of college... and the next time she sees me, Ben & I will have the baby. Holy crap.
My baby shower is this coming Saturday, so we're super busy trying to get last minute things in order: The house needs cleaned (family is coming over afterward!) and a few things need done in her nursery (we'll be storing all the gifts + sorting through them in her nursery) to make more room.
Other than that? I'm so ready for this baby to be here!!