Blog Archive

Excuses, Excuses...

I know, I know.  You hear it from every blogger when they haven't posted for over a month: "I've been really super busy" Blah Blah Blah "My camera is broken" Blah Blah Blah, etc. etc. etc.

I have a few excuses in my back pocket for ya, too.  The landing at the top of my stairs, where I usually take my pictures, has had a light out for the past, like, 3 WEEKS...but truth, I was just too lazy to replace the bulb.  But TA-DA!
Now it's fixed!
cardigan: Target
dress: Target
belt: Anthropologie
sandals: Target
So...update time.  I HAVE been really busy.  After my besties got married last month I've been in full, "job search/WHAT IN THE WORLD am I going to do??" mode.  I got my "yeah, you don't have your job back next year" letter last week and I'm really feeling the pressure.  SIDE NOTE:  my job got cut from the county's budget, YET they paid $5.59 in postage to send my letter by certified mail to let me know that I was laid off...multiply that by how many other people got the boot this Summer...yeah, what's up with that?  I have gotten my job back at Old Navy.  I worked there during the Summers and break while I was in college.  It's not much, but I'm hoping that with the move to Austin looming, there may be the possibility that I could transfer to a store in Austin if need be.  SPEAKING of Austin, TX!...I've been meeting up with Lucy and Joanna (my friends that I'm moving with) every/every other week to discuss our plans and to look at possible apartments.  We've found a few places that we like and have an idea of the neighborhoods we'd like to live in.  But so far, it's been too early to tell.  We're down the one month mark and I'm hoping things come together soon (also, the possibility of a "new" car).  I've found some REALLY exciting jobs that are open and I've sent in my information, but I'm just hoping that they'll call me!  I'm looking in the Marketing/Advertising industry.  I'd LOVE to work in social media (as I've said in the past) or anything where I can incorporate my love of music, pop culture, and of course FASHION!

So, any of my Austin readers, if you know of anything...Let me know, drop my name/info, I need some help!  Also, I'd just love to hear from ya!  Feel free to e-mail me!  I'd love to get to know some of my future neighbors!

I have plenty more to write about, but I'm going to spread it no likey long blog posts!  
XOXO Bevin