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Found, available here.

Found. At home. Safe. Cozy in the nest of our souls where we can love and where we can allow ourselves to be loved.  Found. At peace. Connected to center, to the things that really matter so we can inspire and be inspired. Found as in grounded in, loved in, firmly rooted in kindness, in flow, in spirit.
found close up

Ever since reading her book, I've been incredibly inspired by the word found. It's everywhere to me and describes exactly how I'm feeling but in an incomplete sort of way. My journey into creativity and now into motherhood has gifted me with the profound experience of what it feels like to belong first to your dreams, what calls you, what supports you and then to your community as it circles around you. There is something really tender and beautiful about that sense of belonging, to yourself and to your community. If it's authentic, if its genuine, especially if it starts with our belonging first to what is possible for our lives, then there is a peace that arrives. And I suppose that's where the sense of being found comes from - even with all the chaos, the upendedness of this life, the messiness - there is feeling found, and simply resting inside the coziness of being found.


Come join us for a life changing, business growing, joy jumping experience! It all starts 8/7/11. Don't miss it! This will be the ONLY time I offer this popular ecourse this year...see you there!