Pic by Adam Rose/FOX
Lots of miscellaneous going on. But first, I have to say how much I love So You Think You Can Dance! I watch this darned show every week, every summer it's on. We're on Season 8, and I began with Season 2 (thank you to all my relatives who let me watch it while I was vacationing at their homes every summer). Melanie and Marko are my favorites this season. We'll see how far they go.
In other news, we've done a lot of purchasing this week. The bad news is that money is flying out the front door. The good news is that I got my rear in gear and got my office sorted out so that I could get a grip on bills and finish putting our new budget together. We've replaced our master bedroom mattress with a new memory foam mattress (jury is out on that as bed has to "re-shape" until we can sleep on it tomorrow), put gel foam on top of both girls beds to give their mattresses some extended life, purchased a rug for our office, put a new water filter pitcher in the fridge (hoping to not buy as many water jugs and use tap instead), purchased a new office chair (love!), and have many more things on the list to get. We're going to have to pace ourselves.
One nice thing that just joined our home today was a new X-Box Kinect. Heather decided that she really, really wanted one, so she pitched in nearly all of her birthday money toward it. I was surprised that she wanted to do that, but she was serious. Kelly still had a gift card from Christmas, so he put the rest of that in as well. Heather is so excited about this new system. We packed our PlayStation 2 in a box and made room for the X-Box.
The girls and I are off to Arizona for a quick trip this weekend to visit cousins, swim and meet a new baby girl in the family. We'll be back in time to celebrate a wedding anniversary (mine) and pack up for our beach camping adventure. During the space in between, we are enjoying our summer time to the fullest (read: sleeping in and being lazy).
This post is probably not at the top of the "Things to Blog About" list, but sometimes day-to-day life is blog worthy, even if for nothing else than to let our grandkids know what we were up to all those years ago...