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Montessori Monday

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It looks like we're starting school on August 1 this year.  Short Pants is very excited about starting again and I don't want to make him wait any longer.  Our lessons for both Montessori and Waldorf are now planned through the end of September, which should make things *much* easier on me once the year begins.  After August is over I'll go back to pre-planning, but I want to be able to make certain I'm not planning too much/too little before I get much further!

So far our schedule looks like this:

Monday:  Circle time, waldorf lesson, wet-on-wet painting
Tuesday:  Montessori lessons
Wednesday:  Read aloud from a chapter book, waldorf lesson, handwork (we have also been invited to take part in a very small homeschool co-op which will take place 2 Wednesdays per month)
Thursday:  Circle time, waldorf lesson, baking
Friday:  Nature story, beeswax modeling

I will be trying to do our school lessons in the morning when possible, but sometimes due to playdates, etc. schooling will need to take place in the afternoon.  As I'm sure you noticed, we're moving down to only one Montessori day per week (last year we normally did 2).  However, this year I will more strongly encourage the boys to complete an entire three-hour work cycle on that day, so the amount of time will be roughly the same.  Previously they would work for about 1.5 hours before asking to go back upstairs. 

We will also be continuing with our Outdoor Hour Challenges/nature journaling as well and just plan to fit them in during the week at different times.  The boys will also continue to attend library storytimes and events, plus have their usual number of playdates and field trips with playgroups.  Short Pants is also planning on playing soccer and flag football through the Y this year as well.  And of course I'm sure we'll be doing lots of art and free play too. 

As for Pita Pocket, he will of course be working on his own Montessori lessons on Tuesdays.  He will also be invited to participate in circle time, wet-on-wet painting, handwork, baking, and beeswax modeling.  I'm imagining he will want to hang around sometimes as Short Pants is having his waldorf lessons, so I bought him a sketch pad to draw in as his main lesson book too (for self-directed art, not for actual lessons!). 

I'm simultaneously excited about starting school so soon and also freaking out over how much I have left to do!  I still need to give our Montessori area a good cleaning/organizing, plus there are things to sew for Waldorf lessons like bean bags and crayon rolls.  I suppose it will all get done one way or another.

If you have some Montessori ideas/lessons to share, please link up below.  Please also make sure to either place the Montessori Monday button from the sidebar in your post or place a link back to this blog in your post.  Thanks for reading and participating!