When Heather went to bed tonight, I asked her if she had fun on her first day being 12. She said, "It was awesome."
She started her day with birthday pancakes served on birthday party ware. Then she was off to Theater Camp while I did some shopping. After gathering some goods and picking up the girls from camp, we arrived home to find the yard decorated by Heather's new class at church. Heather thought this was sooooo wonderful.
The girls hung out and played and goofed around until dinner. Per Heather's request, we went to the Rainforest Cafe. Heather enjoyed her dinner of Python Pasta as well as a birthday song and complimentary ice cream. Little did we know how much she was counting on the balloon guy to be there. Good thing he showed up! The girls both got dragon creations which had fire coming out of the mouth that could also be used as a handle for flying the dragon. The dragons flew all the way to the car (and the girls are currently sleeping with their dragons, Puff and Alice, while we speak).

Once home again, and after waiting all day in agony (well, half the day since some presents didn't make their appearance until after camp), Heather was able to open gifts.
First Clinique skin care set, some concealer and some lipgloss from Mom and Dad, something fun to open since she already received her new bike.
A how to draw monsters book, Pokemon cards, fuzzy slippers and stickers from Jenna
And Super ScribbleNauts for her DSi from Grandpa. I think she was excited about this one. There was also $12 from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Chuck which she promptly put in her money box for safe-keeping.
Heather is just the most amazing thing ever. If I had been blogging when she was younger, I would have written about the awe I experience nearly every day as her mom. She came so calm and peaceful and sweet; she is still that way. I am still amazed that Heavenly Father sent her to me/us. Even with her pre-teen outbursts, she returns to her true self. She is intelligent beyond any depth that I will ever achieve, and I have learned so much from her. I grew up with a mom who told me that when she bought greeting cards, she always looked for the sentiment that expressed what she felt. I had a silly card for Heather and never even attempted to find a sentiment because I didn't think one existed that could express a fraction of how we feel about this girl. Today, I found a card for Heather that made me tear up right there in the darned card isle. It reads:
For A Very Special Daughter
If you could see
all the flowers
in the world...
if you could hear
all the laughter
in the universe...
if you could make
all the dreams
that ever
were wished
come true...
...then you would know
a little part of the joy
of having and loving
a daughter like you.
Oh how we love this girl. We are so, so blessed to be her parents.
On a cute note, last night, she told me that it was her last night brushing her teeth at 11. Tonight she announced that it was her first time brushing her teeth at 12. I am glad that she felt that she had an amazing day because that is what we wish for her. Every day. Forever and ever.
Happy Birthday sweet Heather!
We love you to the end of the universe and back again (times infinity)!