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sprinkles of bliss...

happy good friday and earth day, beauties! hope it's been a fab one for you. the week was steady-- it didn't go by too fast or too slow {which is a good thing considering my kids are off for spring break. if you have kids, you know how that goes...}-- and i have many things to be thankful for.

days have been the usual: laundry, cleaning and errands, but also filled with creative time, games, trips to the library, the park, sleep-overs, scavenger hunts while on walks with the dog, early gym workouts and lots of cooking! when kids are home all day, there seems to be so much more to do.

even with lots going on, there are always lovely things adding sprinkles of bliss to my day. here are just a few i have been especially loving...

the public library-- it's such an amazing resource for books {duh}. i love to read, so i take full advantage of getting {almost} every book i want without spending loads of money on them {don't get me wrong, i do still buy books, but this cuts cost way down}. as you can see i have many current selections, including audio books, ranging from history to fiction, chick-lit to mystery.

Good Earth Caffeine Free Sweet & Spicy Tea is just that, sweet and spicy. no added sweetener needed. there's a black tea version, but for some reason i just like this one better. yum! j'adore that each tag has a great quote printed on it as well-- from inspiring to thought provoking to funny, they're always a treat to read.

for easy and fast makeup removal, i've been using Neutrogena Eye Makeup Remover Pads and One-Step Cleanser. the pads take off eye makeup with ease and the cleanser breaks up dirt, oil and makeup so my treatment cleanser and serums can do theirs job even better.

i'm incredibly late to the party, but Nylon magazine has become my new faves. while i realize i may not be their target audience {hello, suburban housewife here, lol}, i still find the content and imagery refreshing. it's full of amazing fashion, beauty, music, lifestyle and celebs stories, and a fun, funky voice all its own.

tell me: what things are adding sprinkles of bliss to your day?

first image via; all other pics taken by me :)