Blog Archive

Flying without a Net...

Hey y'all.

I'm sorry I've been MIA.  I've been dealing with sickness and some other things this week and my outfits have been lacking that certain something I like to bring to the blog.  Also, I learned yesterday that my department in the schools is being cut in this next round of budget cuts in my county...A.K.A. I'm cut.  Everyone keeps asking me "so, what are you going to do next year?"  Well...let's see.  Hopefully get a job, huh?  It amazes me how questions like these formulate in peoples' minds.  I JUST learned an hour ago that I wont have a job next OF COURSE I have sent my resume off to a company, gotten a call-back, had a phone interview and have been hired in the past hour...'cause that's how the job market is these days.  I'm not even going to get in to the fact that I didn't learn about this whole situation until the end of the school day yesterday, no one brought this to my attention?  I should have been tipped off when one of my co-workers stopped me in the hallway and asked me if I needed a hug.  I was sick, I thought maybe she just thought I needed one.  Nope, I was going to be jobless...again.

So, what am I going to do next year?  Well, I know what I'd like to do.  It is all a matter of making it happen but "the job search" terrifies me.  I barely made it through with my sanity after college and, granted I've been on the search for a job the whole time since,  but now the safety net is dropped.  If I fall, I'm landing right on my "you know what", broke and still living with my parents.  I have a few jobs/paths I would like to venture down, but all in all I want to work in the fashion industry.  I am also very interested in moving...NYC being my first choice, but I'd also like Austin, TX.  I have a passion for fashion (yes, cliche I know, but it's true).  I love all that goes in to a single piece of clothing.  Everything that happens behind the scenes and center stage.  Since I am not a great seamstress or skilled in the art of designing, I believe that my creative mind would be useful in other ways.  I would LOVE to be a part of merchandising or marketing.  I've been very interested with the role that social media is playing in the fashion world recently.  I also wouldn't rule out working for a magazine or some sort of fashion publication.  I have absolutely no journalism background, but I love being able to express myself and reach others through writing.  I've even thought about going in to styling.  I'm grasping at straws here and I don't even know where to start.  I know most people would say "Get an Internship!!"  yes, that would be a good/easy answer for someone still in college...most places don't do paid internships.  They are mostly looking for people who will work for course credit.

I wasn't planning on being in education long and I was planning my escape soon, but it was always nice having that safety net.  And I hate that I had to hear about it the way I did...

Okay...end of rant.  I'll keep you posted.  Speaking of Posted, I hope to have something good for you tomorrow.

XOXO Bevin