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NEW Sponsor Spotlights: Dream Tending, Do What You Love, Up & Running, Teahouse Studio + Military Girls

Today, I'd like to offer a warm welcome to my newest sponsors. There is so much goodness in their offerings. Please enjoy their spotlights! PS: If you are interested in becoming a sponsor (includes your ad on the sidebar + ongoing spotlights), please send me an email for further information!


Life is full – of weddings and births, new jobs, new opportunities, and new beginnings. Other transitions are far more painful, requiring more emotional energy to navigate. We are faced with death and loss – of friends and loved ones, the death of relationships, the death of dreams we’d formed our lives around, the loss of a job, the loss of a role we’re familiar playing.

No matter where you are, where you’ve been, or where you’re heading, we invite you to spend 4 weeks in September with us, building your Dream Tending skills and participating in creative activities that will help you explore and refocus on your dreams.

Join us in September 2011 for Dream Tending, a four-week, online workshop led by Kelly Barton, Michelle Ensminger, & Mishelle Lane.

Class price is $49 and includes daily posts (Monday through Friday) and weekly activities in multimedia art, storytelling and photography to tend your own dreams in times of transition. In addition, there will be a creative toolkit section included in each week’s lessons. Class begins September 5.

“Life-changing” “Awe-inspiring” “Revolutionary”

The Do What You Love e-course is a groundbreaking online adventure which will take you step-by-step on a path to discovering your true passion, and finding a way to make it a greater part of your everyday life.

In six weeks you will expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and use this to feed your creative soul. You will travel this path with a community of like-minded people from across the world, sharing your stories, forging new connections, and inspiring each other.

A rich combination of exercises, thought-provoking posts, inspiring interviews (including with Kelly Rae herself!) and real life stories will ensure you emerge more confident, more curious and much more likely to end up doing what you love.

This will be like no other class you have ever taken. And it might just change your life. Class begins on September 26. Register now!


At Up & Running we provide unique running e-courses for women. If you've thought running was reserved for sporty types with bouncy ponytails, we're here to help you discover that running is for everyone. Our acclaimed 5K Beginners Course and new 10K Course are not the usual boring "walk 5 mins, run 5 minutes" programs. We give you expert coaching from renowned coach Julia Jones, unlimited support, vibrant community forums and a mind and body approach that's been tried and tested with thousands of women around the world.

Whether you've dabbled in running before or completely new to exercise, we'll not only help you start running safely, we'll get your mind in the right place too. Register now for our September classes!

"Up & Running has really been the best thing I have done for myself in years, and not just for the running. My confidence and happiness in my own skin has increased so much and I love what my body can DO, rather than obsessing about what it looks like."
- Philippa, UK

Are you a dreamer who is seeking a safe space to play, get messy and learn about art? Do you dream of finding a community of your own, full of support from other people who also long to find their wings?

Born out of the dreams of Mati Rose, Stefanie Renee, and Tiffany Moore, Teahouse Studio IS that safe space you've been seeking. With our lineup of classes, you'll find something to awaken you to your true creative spirit.

Workshops at Teahouse offer more than just a class: they’re your chance to truly connect with a teacher in an intimate setting. They represent safety: to be who you truly want to be, to believe that it's possible to live that life you've been dreaming up for yourself, and to find your authentic voice.

Won’t you join us in the fun? (10% off to KRR readers, use discount code ILOVETEA at checkout)


My name is Melissa and I reside on the mid-south coast of Australia. Earlier this year I made a decision to pay tribute to the men (and particularly) the women who serve our country in military roles, protecting us and the way we live. My admiration and thanks extends to all our Allied forces around the globe.

Along with a monthly collection of illustrations, I am beginning a regular interview series with women who are in Military service. A handful of questions to provide an insight into their lives, professional and personal, including how they keep in touch with their girlie-side after they kick off their combat boots!

The interviews will be conducted as a set group of questions via email and will be posted on my blog, along with any photographs provided.

If you, or someone you know, would be interested in being a part of this series, I’d love to hear from you! For more information, you may contact me via this page or direct on email: mj{at} - Thank you.