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Waldorf Wednesday

What a fun week!  Last week totally cemented our decision to slow down and not worry about academics so much.  The fairy tale I picked for the week was "The Queen Bee," so there was the unveiling of a new chalkboard:

The first day I told the story.  On the second day I retold the story and we had our baking day.  Since our fairy tale featured a queen bee, it seemed only appropriate to bake honey cake!  The boys really enjoy our baking days and eagerly run to get their aprons when it's time to start baking:

While our honey cake was in the oven the boys examined a dead bee that I had found the weekend before:

Later that evening the boys served their honey cake for dessert.  Short Pants said he didn't care for it, but Pita Pocket and the rest of us liked it quite a bit!

A new element was added to our circle time last week - jumping rope!  With one end tied to a door handle I was able to twirl the rope as the boys jumped to our verse.  They both loved it and would have jumped rope all morning if they could have.  As you can see, it's kind of hard to take pictures while twirling a jump rope, but I think you can still see the big grin on Short Pants' face!

For our painting day last week we did a watercolor resist over white crayon.  While setting up our supplies I told Short Pants that we were going to paint the flight of the queen bee.  Pita Pocket was busy with something else and didn't want to paint, so it was just the two of us.  I took the white crayon and made big swirls on my watercolor paper, all the while talking about how my bee was buzzing all about.  When I was done I looked down and pretended dismay, saying, "Oh no!  I can't see where my queen bee flew."  Then I dipped my paintbrush into the blue paint and said, "Well, I guess since I've already started I will just go ahead and paint my blue sky."  Of course, as I painted the white swirls showed up.  I *wish* I had a picture of Short Pants' face at that moment.  His eyes were all alight and his mouth was open in a big "o."  He said, "It's magic!  Mommy, did you know that was going to happen?"  I laughed and told him that I did, but we both agreed that it was more fun to pretend it was surprise:

Oh, and the reason why Pita didn't want to paint?  He was busy using tying the jump rope around the stair bannister, pretending at being a cowboy!

Over the course of the week I retold "The Queen Bee" to both boys about 4 times.  They really enjoyed hearing it while snuggled up on the couch.  This was a bit of a short week because they got to go on a very special "field trip" - an overnight with their grandparents and a trip to a big tractor show.  I'd say that's a pretty good time!

If you have some Waldorf homeschooling days/ideas to share, please link up below.  Please also make sure to either place the Waldorf Wednesday button in your post or put a link back to this blog in your post.  Thanks for reading and participating!