Is anyone wondering how we are doing on our Summer Bucket List? If not, you can stop reading (hee-hee). If you are interested, well, we are doing pretty well. Although it normally pains me to begin a list and not check everything off, two items had to be deferred. We missed pumpkin planting. I kept thinking we had time, but before we knew it, we'd passed the window. It is on the list for next June. We also had to defer our trip to Grandpa's house when Aunt Michelle and Gavin had to postpone their visit. The girls wanted to go there all together. We most likely won't wait until next summer to visit Grandpa's place, but we're hoping we can still make the trip with Aunt Michelle.
As for the rest of the list, we're doing pretty well. These are the things we'll be finishing up this week and probably into the first week of school or so mostly because we could all use a smoothie or a shake after a hot day in a stuffy, un-airconditioned classroom (thank you very much District Office for not installing air when you had the opportunity--oh, sorry, wrong post).
Disneyland (must come up with money for a pass)
Kite flying (need wind)
Bake (need temperature to drop outside)
Homemade shakes
Color Me Mine gift cards
Sleep in backyard (need motivation to set up tent... and sleep with insects)
Jump rope (double dutch style; still need to get the long ropes)
We've added one for the week as well...the new 12-year-old needs pierced ears before next week. I'm off to find a good place to get that done. Any suggestions?