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sunshine on a cloudy day

whenever I'm having a bad day- and there have been quite a few of those lately- its always the little things that get me through. little pieces of better times that I can turn to. 

travel plans, a kind message, Chinese take-out, CSI reruns, a cuddle, the token of a memory. 

this dress makes me smile for the same reason. it reminds me of good times had and good times to come. and great friends that I can always turn to. and that's always something to smile about!

dress- urban outfitters(a gift) // tights (yes, I am wearing them!)- american apparel // necklace- postlapsaria // shoes- seychelles

today we took a stroll around part of Brandon's university for our photos. this isn't the part he goes to, but it's prettier! 

sometimes I miss going to school. I miss wearing heels because I can sit most of the day. I miss the camaraderie that comes from a group of people all bitching about working towards the same thing. I miss feeling productive. I miss having the option to skip class and sleep in.

but then I remember how much I don't miss doing research, being graded, and feeling stupid. and then I stop missing school. 


playing: around the world- red hot chilli peppers