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~ splendid weekend to-do list ~

hello saturday, so we meet again...

hope you had a gorgeous week, beauties!

as if you didn't already know, it's mother's day tomorrow {happy day to all you fabulous mamas!}, but for my baby girl, her 11th birthday {ugh, it feels like i just had her yesterday}!

having my girl as a daughter is such a gift {my son is, too, of course!}. sure, it's not always fun and fabulous times, but she is truly marvelous. watching her grow up to this point has been quite the experience, to say the least. i'm so excited to celebrate with her tomorrow!

so, this weekend's splendid to-do list is more about her, but still will be rewarding to me just the same.

make a fabulous breakfast for my little lady
pen a letter to remember the occasion of celebrating her once-in-a-lifetime-birthday
listen to fun music and dance!
enjoy the gorgeous weather, bbq and swim at my mom's house sunday afternoon
enjoy a pleasant, but challenging run
sip my favorite tea
savor a slice of ice cream cake
set goals for the forthcoming week

what's on your splendid weekend to-do list?