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Wild Wire Women Retreat: Days 2-3

It's the last evening of our retreat, and we have just eaten a lovely meal over at the Gastronome restaurant. Now I have some time to upload the photos I took during our retreat yesterday and today. Above you can see Laurel hard at work, and in the photo below you can see Marie. Both students are incredibly hard working and very talented. It was so much fun spending time with them!
Yesterday it was all about the Green Goddess necklace... which took an entire day to make. The necklace below is my sample made over the course of a day. We even had time to use liver of sulfur and polish and tumble our finished pieces.
Laurel's version of the Green Goddess necklace is pictured below. She loves to make big, bold spirals!
Here's a photo of Marie, taking a photo of her jewelry using my Ez Cube system from Table Top Studio. We spent the second half of our workshop today in photography, which was a bit challenging because setting up a propped shot takes time, and the jewelry is slippery and doesn't always cooperate!
Here's Marie's Green Goddess necklace:
And earrings by Laurel... We spent our entire first day making four pair of earrings, which doesn't sound like much of a challenge but these are all rather detailed pieces that took lots of time to wrap, coil, spiral, and assemble.
Here's a photo of Marie's earrings:
And mine:
Laurel's pins are pictured below. We spent the first half of today's workshop time making three different pin styles: Ripple pins (from Arty Jewelry II), Fabulous Fibulas (from Bead on a Wire), and Spiral Top Fibulas (from Arty Jewelry).
Marie's pins are pictured below:
And here are a couple of mine. You can learn how to make the Spiral-Top fibula from Arty Jewelry and the Ripple Pin from Arty Jewelry II, both available as downloads from
We're exhausted but very happy campers, ready to call it a night but thrilled with all the progress we made. My next Wild Wire Women retreat starts in about 10 days!
Happy wrapping,