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A week of celebration..!

Hello all! Sorry for not being a good and frequent blog friend last week, but I was just so wrapped up in all the fantastic things that came my way...!

A week ago today,  I woke up a Swede and went to bed a 'Swedralian'! :) Yep I am now a proud dual citizen of both Sweden and Australia! Hurraaah! My citizenship ceremony was held at a stunning spot in Sydney with the most magnificent view of the harbour and was so beautifully organized. I am very proud & privileged to be able to call myself an Australian and for sure there will be posts on this in future!

On Friday it was my birthday and even though my husband gave me a brand new iPad 2 (white with orange flap) as an early birthday present a while ago, I was still spoiled with more gifts (a shopping spree), yummy breakfast in bed, dinner at my fave restaurant, and just generally lots of love & attention. My family is the best and most generous you can imagine! With this kind of treatment I really didn't mind that the day pushed me deeper into the 40s (not by much though..ahem!) and I could have gone on celebrating a little bit longer really..!  :)

Last but not least, Sunday marked Mother's Day here in Australia and my favourite part is, as usual, when my beautiful kidlets (Swedralian for 'children'..) cup their little hands around my face  and tell me how much they love me! There is nothing that makes me happier than that (!) and I could seriously write books about the magic of motherhood..!! Nothing tops it, and from the first faint flutter of life in my womb to the present day, my life glows with love, happiness, pride and gratefulness! And it's all thanks to my wonderful, amazing, cheeky, bright eyed, clever, generous and insanely loving Oscar and Isabella!

So pretty much a whole week of excitement and wonderful celebration for me, and needless to say I find it hard impossible to wipe the smile from my face still..! :)

Hope your week was this good as well and that all of you amazing mothers
out there were showered in love and appreciation!

xx Charlotta

P.S. Was that enough exclamation marks for one post..?  I'm just so excited.. ! :)