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Stylish.. Splendid.. Swedish..

So I wasn't going to post at all today but how could I resist when my close blog sister Monika Claassen of the wonderful 'Splendid Willow' had her amazing home featured in the latest issue of RUE Magazine!?!

Monika is tending to family matters in our beloved Sweden and is probably frantically busy as I type this, but I want her to know just how proud I am of her! xx

I know she was anxious about the feature. I mean, how nerve wrecking wouldn't it be to have one's home show-cased by an international high end magazine!?!  
But don't get me wrong here! Monika is not the kind to look for approval or even endorsement to the way she lives her life or styles her house. She is confident, capable and rests securely in the knowledge that her style & home have genuine soul and that they reflect the values and likes of her wonderful Swedish/Canadian family in Seattle. That is all that matters, and I admire how true she is to herself!

The anxiety would instead stem from not wanting to disappoint or let anyone down, and this genuine concern and respect for others is true reflection of who she is. This girl really cares people (!), and she has the biggest & warmest heart!  
Admirably and despite having to rush off to Sweden  within days of the shoot, she spend the precious & sparse time before her departure making sure every corner of the house was in tip top shape in preparation for the RUE team. And Monika, we can safely say that it was - it all looks just perfect!!

Now, I could go on and on here.. You know it's true! :) But instead I am going to direct you over to Splendid Willow for the announcement that Monika's husband so kindly posted today (he is such a gem this man!) And of course also to the latest issue of RUE where - on page 158+ - you can see the full spread of this splendidly elegant yet warm home in Seattle..

Hugs to all and an extra warm one for my super clever sister Monika!! I am SO proud of you darling!!

xx Charlotta


 P.S. Don't forget to visit Monika's amazing on-line boutique 'AVENUE' .

Take my word for it when I say, you will be praying for rain after having 
bought yourself some Ilse Jacobsen designer wet wear..!! Really!