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Happy belated Mothers' Day, friends!  I know I'm super late on this post, but I had to share what I did!  First let me say that my first Mothers' Day was so wonderful, I hope yours was too. I know that it's notoriously a day in which the mommy gets pampered (which I definitely was) but really I loved it because it caused me to reflect on all that Liam has accomplished in just 9 short months.  I'm so proud of how he has grown and the little boy he is becoming.  He's at the age where his personality is really developing and he's so much fun!  Sometimes we just laugh and laugh.  It's a joy that can never be topped. 

So here's what I made for my moms!  It's a silhouette of the grandbabies.

I'm working on a tutorial on how to accomplish this using photoshop, but for now I'll just tell you what I did.  After uploading a picture of a profile into Photoshop I used the pen tool to create an outline. (The pen tool is better in this case than the lasso tool because the pen allows you to create a vector image - one that can be re sized whereas the lasso keeps the image pixilated).  

Here's my cute nephew.

 After cutting out the outline, I traced it onto a piece of black card stock and then cut that out.  From there all you have to do is tape or glue it onto a piece of white or cream card stock and then frame it.  So easy!

I refinished the frames too.  I wish I would have taken a before picture.  I found the matching frames at Good Will.  They were an ugly brown and gold, but I painted them black and added a thin coat of silver pearl to give them a more distressed look.  I stapled  cream ribbon bows to the back for hanging.

I'm really happy with how they turned out, and this really is an easy project that anyone can do.  I'm working on silhouettes of my husband and I for our living room!  I've never liked my profile, but I'm embracing it for the sake of sentimentality.  Make any yourself?  I'd love to see!