Blog Archive

Pick'n'mix blog parade..

Hello friends, and 'happy weekend' to you! It's been a beautiful week here in Sydney - hectic & super busy for sure, but blessed with amazing weather which has made it all so much easier to tackle..!
For reasons I can't share with you just yet, the past few weeks have been so jammed I have found it hard to carve out time for my and your blogs. It has made me miss and appreciate it all so much more, and I am once again struck by how fortunate we are to have access to this vast virtual landscape of amazing blogs.

via Crush Cul de Sac

In fact, my blog roll has grown so big that I am going to have to re-design my blog template (it will happen soon!) but I love how it makes me feel like I have my very personal 'magazine rack' with varied and exclusive international titles that never fail to deliver the latest and the best in their own very unique way. The most wonderful part though is that as bloggers we are able to have in-depth conversations with other 'blog-editors-in-chief', which more often than not lead to real friendships that grow so strong and important that the 'virtual barrier' seems to disappear. It's powerful and always so rewarding don't you think!?!
Blog title rack created by me by fiddling around in Photoshop...

So today I wanted to share two reasonably new blogs with you - both of them written by really sweet and genuine girls that I have had the pleasure to get to know a little over the past few weeks.
The first one is 'Elegant Abode' which is authored by Ali in the West Village, NYC. Since launching in September last year, this blog has served up an array of light & fresh posts with a slight edge that I find wonderful.

Not only is this super-girl busy with her blog, she also recently graduated from the 'New York School of Interior Design' and has already landed two freelance residental design projects in Manhattan. Hats off people! And congratulations to you Ali! x

And if that was not enough, she is also in the final stages of preparing for the June wedding to her darling Peter. Actually, when I say 'darling' I may have to also include 'Abe' & 'Emma', her two four-legged darlings (pups). Along with long walks along the Hudson River (lucky pups!), antiquing, chocolate (I like this girl!), and trying new & exciting things, there is nothing Ali loves more than her family. You can tell can't you that this one is worth getting to know better...! So go ahead, hop over to 'Elegant Abode' sometime soon!


Next up is 'My Beautiful Life' which is created by an amazing girl we shall refer to as 'MBL'...

Ms MBL had me totally revved up and ready-to-go after reading some of the posts in her brilliant 'Personal Growth series' (here, here and here..etc). It's all about how to become more effective, and just generally, how to tackle life and all it's challenges with a wink & a smile. We all need and want that don't we..!?! I know I do, and I will for sure keep my eyes peeled for more post in this series..!

Then I giggled and nodded in recognition to several of the 'personal facts' that she shared here (and another 'blog award list' here..). Then there was this post, that brought me to tears (as did many others!). I especially admire her big heart and the way she really cares about those around her - be that a friend, a family member, or a stranger. Her heart is big (!) and it beats hard for orphaned children. In fact, it is her & her husband's dream to move to Romania and work actively with underprivileged & abandoned children. How beautiful and admirable isn't that!?!

So this amazing girl and I have chatted back and forth over email, and the more I learn the more I admire her. Not only can she play the piano backwards sitting under it (hilarious!), but she also paints, has once sported pink hair (!), is a devoted and loving mother & wife, is extremely intuitive & sensitive, has a seriously soft spot for a good tiramisu (see!), and has a long list of dreams and wishes for what she wants to do in life. Brilliant qualities, if you ask me..! :)


Her friends liken her to a butterfly (how pretty!). She adores orchids, Italian food (even for breakfast!), international festivals, trapeze artists (though strongly disagrees with the treatment of circus animals!), vintage MGB cars, and interiors. This fun, varied, and unique list of 'likes' is in fact a good indication of what you will find in her blog, because Ms MBL serves up a delightfully broad and eclectic buffet of posts. You will find some truly beautiful reflections on life, carefully recited true stories (that will make you cry and really reflect), the odd fashion reports, yummy design treats, occasional art features, and also lovely family anecdotes (her two little boys are so cute!). 'My Beautiful Life' is just a gorgeous place to spend a cup pot of tea or two..!


Last but not least, I want to express a dreadfully delayed but genuinely heartfelt thank you to my sweet and loyal friend Nicole over at 'First House on the Right' for giving me a 'One Lovely Blog' award. 

Nicole, I loved reading your list of 'personal fun facts' and I promise to share one here on the blog very soon. When I do, I will also nominate a list of blogs to pass this award onto. But for now, a big happy hug to you for always being so nice to me! It means a lot! xx


Big hugs to all, and have a nice start to the new week!

xx Charlotta

All images via Elegant Abode and/or My Beautiful Life, unless otherwise indicated.