Can you tell what he's wearing?
Hmm. What about now?
Oooh wait - here we go:
That's right - my naked son is "wearing" a grocery bag:
But that's ok. At least he wasn't doing this:
And yes, we went out in public like this. No, we didn't get any odd looks at all!
Short Pants received some Lyra face crayons in his stocking last Christmas. The Mister commented the other day that he really only needed 1 black crayon as we seem to have had a trend going on for many months:
But even the passion for black can't overtake my littles' passion for sunglasses. They are the perfect accessory for the bath:
Or for the busy housekeeper on the go:
Add the stuff going on in the photos to the fact that Pita Pocket is either naked or wearing pajamas 99% of the time and you've got a breath-takingly high amount of weirdness. It's just the way we roll: