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jump jump.

I've decided that the jump is my signature move. Well not mine, but it's the move I like to make other people do when I'm shooting their wedding. Why? Because it's friggin' cool. If you don't like it, then please don't ask me to shoot your wedding. If I shoot, you jump. That's all there is too it.

Now the question is, can you jump with style?
(This image was taken today by my second photographer, Brekke Felt. She agreed to come along and snag all my wide angle shots because my beloved wide angle (Nikkor 14-24 2.8) is sadly in the shop. So I asked Brekke to lay down and snap up, and she did it!)

Brand new products in the shop!!!!!

You guys, I'm so excited to finally announce that all the brand new home decor items that released in July are finally available in the online shop, including the amazing picture frames, the clocks, the pillows, and a whole bunch of awesome stuff for your home + office! I'm over the moon about these goodies and have spent a ridiculous amount of time integrating just about every piece into our home decor - so fun! Let me show you what we've just added to the shop!


I'm completely smitten with these canvas pillows! They're large (16" square) with removable covers for easy washing. I'm also really loving the slight detail of fringe around the images, giving them just a tad of dimension and more character. Limited quantities, available now. 

frames with easel

These artful picture frames make me so happy! They were inspired by one of my art journals full of textured + painted collage backgrounds. Each arrives with it's very own easel for displaying (also arrives ready to hang). The distressed metal flower + butterfly are gorgeous embellishments...Love!! Available here

hello courage - frame  
We've got several more picture frames in the shop, including the above "hello courage" frame with metal distressed wings. Seriously, friends, these frames - all of them - are awesome + so well made (from wood). I'm thinking I'll be giving many of these away as awesome gifts for the upcoming holidays.  Available here
winged promise and seeker frames   
Totally love these too with their subtle but super cool metal embellishments, especially the metal birdie on the frame in the back. Everything is perfectly aged and distressed. Swoon! Available here

celebrate - frame   

I just put this large frame (13x15) on the wall in our living room. Haven't put a photo in it yet, but I will soon. We've got a couple of these large frames available in different designs. Check em' out!
winged promise - decorative stoneware

This is a large decorative stoneware container - really substantial with thick chunky sides. It's hard to see in this photo, but the stoneware has a crackled effect, giving the piece a lovely vintage quality. Really beautifully made....


OMG! Staplers! These metal + glass staplers are a show stopper. How cool are they? Because, you know, even staplers deserve a little love for all that they do for us! Available here. 

 birdie clock
winged clock   

Likely one of my favorite products to come out of the first home decor launch, these working clocks are simply gorgeous. Again, perfectly aged and distressed, just enough to add a touch of sophistication and whimsy all at once. Swoon! Available here.  
dream - wall basket

It's a bit hard to tell in this photo, but this decorative wall basket is actually quite larger than it looks. Meant to hang on the wall, it can hold mail, cards, lists, and so much more. I love combining art with function and this is one of those star pieces that does just that. Available here.

book boxes
book boxes

Another one of my favorite new items, this is a set of three boxes made to look like books. They nest inside one another, each a different size. They open up to artful insides with lots of room to hold letters, photos, and more. I just love them. More photos over on the shop page.  Available now.


It's a coaster set - loving the winged holder. Each coaster displays a different image - made from resin and distressed to perfection. Another great, love these!

wish hooks   
I'm going to hang these up in our entry way with scarves and bags and raincoats hanging down. Really love the shape of the hooks on these - super sweet. I know I must sound so silly going on and on, but man, I'm thrilled with how these products turned out.

 Compact Mirrors! I love that this one shown here says "fearless" - a gentle reminder to be brave.
We've got two different designs, available here.

biz card holders
Business Card holders! Made from metal and glass, these are sure to leave an impression. Besides, we think your business cards deserve an artful home. Also makes a fantastic gift.Three different designs: one, two, and three.

pill boxes
And finally, adorable pill boxes to brighten up our everyday accessories. I love that we're offering a pillbox with "love" on the front - what a great reminder to love and nourish our bodies with whatever it may need, medication + vitamins included.

There you have it. Whew - that's a lot of new goodness. All items have been added to the shop. I can't guarantee that I'll have more quantities added before the holidays, so if you see something you'd like to gift yourself or someone else, please scoop it up now! Big thanks to all of you for supporting the new home decor line - it's a really exciting thing to share with all of you. Truly. XO, Kelly Rae

Wooden Doormat

A classic doormat made of rope and pieces of wood - go here for the very simple project instructions.

Healthy Hair Challenge 2011 - 2012 UPDATE


Blessings and love beauties!!

I pray all is well with you all and you have started your week well.

Some of you might have noticed that I stopped posting for a few days, which is not really me since I try to post at least once a day. I have actually been quite busy, been having a tiring week, both physically and psychologically. I have started the exams I'd mentioned and my heart has just been heavy. But I trust God. He has really been the pillar in my life and has upheld me through. Whatever happens, I know my future is sealed in His hands. THough things might look foggy, I have decided to look to my future through the eyes of faith and abandon the eyes of the flesh. I truly appreciate all your love! Thank you and God bless you!

My primary reason for posting today is to update my Healthy Hair Challenge Guidelines. Yes, I know it starts tomorrow, but I have been having a lot of though over the guidelines I'd set in the original post.
I have reconsidered many things and have decided to adjust the rules. Here are the updated criterion for the challenge :


 Cleansing :

● Shampoo hair every 3 weeks every week with sulfate - free shampoo : to keep the scalp clean

-- I will be using my liquid black soap shampoo

● Do an ACV rinse every 3 weeks every week : to avoid hard water/product build up // cleanse the scalp thoroughly

● Clarify every 9 weeks once a monthto cleanse thoroughly // to strengthen the hair strands

-- I will be alternating between shikakai powder and neutral henna

Treatments :

● Pre - poo every 3 weeks every week : for extra moisture // for a bit of protein

-- I will be using my conditioner and olive oil mix

● Deep condition every 3 weeks  every weekfor moisture // for vital nutrients

-- I will be using my rhassoul clay mix once every 6 weeks twice a month

-- I will also be using bentonite clay once every 9 weeks once a month

● Conditioning every 3 weeks every week : for moisture // detangling

-- I will be detangling with both my fingers and paddle brush

● Tea rinse every 3 weeks  every weekto avoid with excess shedding 

Styling :

● Style by using : leave - in conditioner // hair butters // daily spritz

Wear protective styles at least 5 times a week : buns // two strand twists // flat twists // updos Wear  low manipulation styles with maximum care

Wear scarves/beanie/bonnets/beret at least once a week : to cut down on manipulation Wear scarves, beanies, berets, bonnets on days where there is no style inspiration. DO NOT attempt to manipulate hair without having an idea what to do

Only wear "out" styles maximum once a week : twist outs // braid outs // pin up updos


● Avoid styles that pull the hair like puffs : to keep edges from breaking // to avoid weakening the hair through tension

● Moisturize hair at least once every two days, especially the ends

● Search and destroy single strand knots/spit ends once every 3 months

-- I will only be using my shears specialized for my hair alone to avoid damaging the hair while cutting off the damaged strands

● Absolutely no heat styling

● Always wash in sections

● Keep hair as stretched as possible : to avoid knotting


I have decided to keep washing my hair every week like U have been doing all Summer because I have realized and recalled that it's not in the washing that causes harm to your hair, but how you wash. In fact, washing the hair and scalp is a very vital part of healthy hair growth and maintenance. Therefore, if I want to grow and keep healthy hair, I should in no way shy away from washing my hair.  My initial reason for deciding to wash every 3 weeks is because of the time it takes me to wash my hair...but I was being lazy in my mind because my wash days have been so much better than they used to be and actually go by faster that before.
I have realized that taking care of the scalp is very important. Not washing means, all the sweat, dirt you accumulate will just sit there and clog your scalp and hinder proper growth. I have realized that, it's not in the number of times you wash your hair but it's really the method applied and methods used. It is even advised to wash the hair more than once (at least shampoo and condition) a week.

I have also decided to not put in the "wear protective styles at least 5 times a week" rule. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how much I can keep up with this rule since I have fallen so in love with my hair being out and always end up missing it after a few days of protective styles. Of course, I will still be opting mostly for styles that protect my ends and all ...
I know what you are all thinking, protective styles grow no they don't, not really.
Again, it's not the protective styles but how you do them. YOu can protective style and still not retain length depending on how you care for your hair. And you can not protective style and grow healthy hair! Yes, it is possible. I grow weary of the way I used to think and many of us still think sometimes. Protective styles are good, don't get me wrong, I love them but to say they are the key to healthy hair is not exactly true. Check out this post and you'll see what I'm taking about. 
Therefore, I will be experimenting with different styles, but how I care and manipulate my hair is truly the key.
I will be focusing on low manipulation styles and try and be much more gentle when styling.

Another addition is, as the challenge goes on, I will be giving myself little goals, weekly/monthly etc.

Those are the updates for now. I am really excited about starting this challenge! 
Thank you to all those that have joined! I can't wait to see how it goes for you!
Remember, you can always join us anytime!


Lovely Real Bride, Tara

Love these photos from recent newlywed, Tara! She's wearing the Twigs & Honey Creamy bouquet:



So pretty, yes? Congratulations, Tara and husband! :)

Photo credits: Janet and Lisa of JL Photografia

Poll Results: How Often Do You Deep Condition Your Hair?

Hello ladies!

How often do you deep condition your hair??

My answer? Once every two weeks when I wash my hair.

Your answer? Depends on how dry, brittle and in need of attention your hair is.

  • Deep conditioning is a must! 

    • It is imparitive that you deep condition your hair. Our hair is dry and needs extra moisture. Deep conditioners penetrate in a way that regular conditioners not. They have different properties. 

  • How often you deep condition is up to you!

    • Do you use heat often? You should deep condition once a week

    • Is your hair brittle and dry? You should deep condition once a week

    • Is your hair at a good moisture level? You can use your discretion. Bi-monthly or monthly.

  • Can you deep condition too often?

    • YES! You can weaken the strands if you deep condition too often. 

  • Need help looking for a deep conditioner?

    • Look for something with organic ingredients. Read the labels! You want to beware of these ingredients. Print the list and take it with you.

    • Look for something with things that you know work in your hair- whether it be a type of oil or it contains protein, etc.

    • Take off the top and feel the consistency. Do you prefer lightweight products or thicker masques?

  • What deep conditioner do I currently use?

    • Bioinfusion olive oil deep conditioning treatment

  • How can you get it to penetrate your hair deeply?

    • HEAT!

      • Sit under the hair dryer for an hour while the deep conditioner is in. 

      • Cover your hair with a hot towel and shower cap to seal in heat

      • Use your natural body heat by simply covering your hair with a plastic shower cap

What deep conditioner do YOU use and how often do YOU deep condition?? comment below!

the one with the hat

Oh, hey look, it's me! Right there. The one with the hat. ;)

Maria Elyse

molly's mess

Today, my dad took my sisters and I to an antique store in our small town called "Molly's Mess". We've lived here for over six years now, and had never gone there until today. It's kinda creepy/scary looking, and we had heard some weird stuff about it. But we decided to be brave and go check it out! As the store's name would indicate, it was pretty messy, haha. But it wasn't actually all that creepy, like I thought it would be. There was an insane amount of stuff there, it was crazy. There were three whole levels of antiques...the main floor, the upstairs, and then the attic. It was really fun watching my dad look around, and seeing him get all excited when he saw something he had when he was kid, or had wanted, or remembered. I'm sure one day I'll walk into an antique shop and see something from my childhood...that'll be really weird. Anyway, above are a few photos from around the store, but it doesn't even come close to showing all the cool stuff there. 

Aaaand this what I wore! I felt very menswear-inspired today...maybe it had something to do with school starting soon. I got these fantastic oxfords at Target yesterday for just $14! Yesss. We took these pictures in a field after we were done at Molly's Mess, and when Wendy and Lily were done playing at the school's new playground. You know you're a blogger when you stop to take outfit pictures in random fields. 

I have high school open house tomorrow! Excited/nervous for school to start...but yeah, hopefully this school year will be good. :) Oh, and my oldest sister Hope is coming home for Labor Day weekend on Friday! Eeee! I can't wait to see her, as it's been about two weeks since I last saw her beautiful face. I don't think I've ever gone this long without seeing her before. Can't wait for her to get here. ♥

Maria Elyse

top: vintage
cardigan: thrifted
jeans: target
oxfords: target
bag: walmart

Ra'mon-Lawrence and Robyne Robinson to team up again for NYFW

This fall at New York Fashion Week, local jewelry designer Robyne Robinson (of ROX) will be teaming up with Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman, a fashion designer who cut his design teeth in the Twin Cities fashion community. The two previously collaborated in fall 2009 for Ra'mon's spring 2010 collection, right after he appeared on the sixth season of Project Runway. The Spring 2012 collections will be shown September 10 at Happy Monkey Studios in New York City. She will also be previewing the line at a private event in Minneapolis this Friday at Amsun & Ash Gallery. Here are a few pieces of the forthcoming line:

And now through September 9, Robyne needs your votes to win a spot in the SCOPE Miami Art Show 2011. You can vote daily at through the 9th.

Editorial: Lili for Aryn K

Former Minnesota model Lili Umbrazunaite made the move to California earlier this year, and she's made good on it. Here she is as the face of the Aryn K Spring/Summer 2012 lookbook, shot on location at Venice Beach. The brand is carried by tons of small boutiques around the world, plus Nordstrom, and and locally at Picky Girl in St. Paul. I've always loved Lili's coquette-esque, Audrey Hepburn meets Sophia Loren demeanor - it's good to see the rest of the world picking up on it.

Click here for the full lookbook.