Today was a productive day. I had a really great workout, it was kind of late (1 p.m.) in the day for me but great all the same.
I found a new and fun site to get weight training information from. It's called Shape Fit. It has free workouts, menus, videos and such. Check it out when you get a minute.
I am getting less and less sore after workouts. I'm fairly sure it is because of the MSM and my body is adapting pretty well to the weight training.
The only thing that I'm really noticing is I need to try to get more stretching into the mix. I do feel a bit tight in the muscles. I miss my hot yoga, maybe in the next few weeks I can get my ducks in a row.
This week I work my lower body twice and my upper body once. I will work the abs on my cardio days.
I will post my new exercises some time this week. I will continue with the pyramid format, it works well for me.
Life at home is still on shaky ground but I suppose getting better. Who am I kidding? It sucks and my husband and I fake contentment fairly well.
We are at the stage where we don't talk about what has happened in the past week and hope it fades into thin air instead of festering into the woodwork. What I wouldn't give for a treadmill right now.
Peace and love,
On the Menu:
8A: 1 quart lemon water with MSM
11:30A: 1 quart green smoothie (spinach/celery/bananas/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)
3:30P: large salad (green leaf lettuce/scallions/jalapeno/hemp protein powder/lemon/olive oil with chickpea fritters.
4:30P: Lara Bar
6P: 1 quart green smoothie (spinach/celery/bananas/orange/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)
Weight Training -Lower body
DB Squats: 15/10; 12/12; 10/15; 8/20; 15/15
Leg Presses: 15/90
Straight-Leg Deadlifts: 15/12; 12/15; 10/20; 8/25; 15/15
DB Lunges: 15/10
Seated Calf Press: 15/90
20 minutes running on treadmill
45 minutes walking in the park with daughters