I will track my progress throughout the twelve weeks.
I will bite the bullet and do the weigh-in and body fat percentage and the measurements on a regular basis. I think they are important aspects of keeping things in check.
On Friday, I'll get my city recreation card so I'll have access to a gym that is close to home.
I did go the Body for Life training schedule route mainly because I enjoy pyramid training. It makes me feel physically stronger.
Here is my (tentative) training schedule. I increased the repetitions. Look it over and tell me what you think.
Training Split
Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Monday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Lower Body
Friday: Upper Body
Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Monday: Lower Body
Wednesday: Upper Body
Friday: Lower Body
The exercises will be rotated, so I will do a different exercises every two weeks.
Upper Body
Lower Body
Repetitions: 15, 12, 10, 8, 15, 15
Weeks 3-4
Weeks 7-8
Monday: 35 minutes
Tuesday: 45 minutes
Wednesday: 35 minutes
Thursday: 45 minutes
Friday: 35 minutes
Saturday: 45 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 9-10
Monday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes*
Tuesday: 50 minutes
Wednesday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes
Thursday: 50 minutes
Friday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes
Saturday: 50 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 11-12
Monday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Tuesday: 60 minutes
Wednesday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Thursday: 60 minutes
Friday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Saturday: 60 minutes
Sunday: Rest
*I'm starting to circuit train. The 40 minutes (or 50 minutes) cardio on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be 10 minute sessions in between the weight training sets.
Also notice there is a second cardio workout. This is a freestyle session, for instance a DVD, walk in the park, playing basketball with the kids, etc.
After writing this schedule down, it looks kind of intense. I am wondering if I'm over extending myself. I know it's doable but why am I doing this again? Oh yes, Raw Fit Challenge.
Thank you Loulou for passing along the information about Brendan Brazier, a vegan, professional Ironman triathlete.
I have the book "Raw Power" by Stephen Arlin. I have heard some items about Mr. Arlin (now known as Thor Bazler) and I have mixed feeling about this book.
Tomorrow I will post a list of exercises I will have to choose from.
Upper Body
Lower Body
Repetitions: 15, 12, 10, 8, 15, 15
Weeks 1-2
Monday: 20 minutes
Tuesday: 30 minutes
Wednesday: 20 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Friday: 20 minutes
Saturday: 30 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 3-4
Monday: 25 minutes
Tuesday: 35 minutes
Wednesday: 25 minutes
Thursday: 35 minutes
Friday: 25 minutes
Saturday: 35 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Tuesday: 35 minutes
Wednesday: 25 minutes
Thursday: 35 minutes
Friday: 25 minutes
Saturday: 35 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 5-6
Monday: 30 minutes
Tuesday: 40 minutes
Wednesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 40 minutes
Friday: 30 minutes
Saturday: 40 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Tuesday: 40 minutes
Wednesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 40 minutes
Friday: 30 minutes
Saturday: 40 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 7-8
Monday: 35 minutes
Tuesday: 45 minutes
Wednesday: 35 minutes
Thursday: 45 minutes
Friday: 35 minutes
Saturday: 45 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 9-10
Monday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes*
Tuesday: 50 minutes
Wednesday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes
Thursday: 50 minutes
Friday: 40 minutes, 20 minutes
Saturday: 50 minutes
Sunday: Rest
Weeks 11-12
Monday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Tuesday: 60 minutes
Wednesday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Thursday: 60 minutes
Friday: 50 minutes, 30 minutes
Saturday: 60 minutes
Sunday: Rest
*I'm starting to circuit train. The 40 minutes (or 50 minutes) cardio on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be 10 minute sessions in between the weight training sets.
Also notice there is a second cardio workout. This is a freestyle session, for instance a DVD, walk in the park, playing basketball with the kids, etc.
After writing this schedule down, it looks kind of intense. I am wondering if I'm over extending myself. I know it's doable but why am I doing this again? Oh yes, Raw Fit Challenge.
I want to have the complete experience of training HARD for a fitness competition on a plant-based (raw foods diet). Right, that's it.
photo by whyld

Thank you Loulou for passing along the information about Brendan Brazier, a vegan, professional Ironman triathlete.
And I wish you the best on your 100% Raw Challenge.
I have the book "Raw Power" by Stephen Arlin. I have heard some items about Mr. Arlin (now known as Thor Bazler) and I have mixed feeling about this book.
Please share what you might know about Mr. Bazler and the information Raw Power has.