photo by Eva the Weaver
I'm still fighting the cold that the children have gifted me with so I will keep this post short.
On Today's Menu:
1 quart lemon water
2 quarts kale/celery/carrot
1 quart orange
I slept all day yesterday. My husband said congrats to me for going 92 days on juices. I looked at him, said thanks and went back to sleep. True it's a big accomplishment but at the time sleep was all I wanted. Which is why the juice (particularly green) on yesterday's menu was sparse. It was strange for the first time during this process my body was exhausted.
My theory to behind why I got the cold is that for the past few weeks I was working out twice per day and not consistently increasing my juices. I needed those extra calories to compensate for the extra workout. I believe I just pushed myself a bit too far. Live and learn, I won't be doing that again.
On March 1's Menu:
1 quart pear/grape juice
2 quarts orange
lots of water

I want to wish all good luck and happy juicing to everyone out there who have started the Global Juice Feast. You are in for quite a ride. Have fun and listen to your body, remember it knows best!