I'm taking the rest of the week and weekend off from blogging. It's my oldest daughter's and my husband's birthday's this weekend so it will be busy. I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll chat with you on Monday! HAPPY EASTER!
I found a great resource for raw bodybuilding at Vegan Bodybuilding. The site is very informative and the forum is very helpful and supportive.

I am having a bit of trouble with deciding on whether or not I want to weigh. I thought I could do it, but I have had so many issues in the past with my relationship with the scale.
I don't want past demons to return and haunt me.
I realize weight and body fat percentage is an important marker in the bodybuilding community but is it really necessary for what I'm doing?
My instinct tells me to just take measurements once a week and go by my clothing size. Which haven't changed since breaking my feast. I will think more about it over the weekend.
Eat about every 2-3 hours, just like in my juice feast I will set the timer to make sure I'm eating.
Drink 3-4 quarts water per day
I am not going to worry about if I'm eating enough protein, if I consistently eat my green leafy vegetables, I have no doubt that I'll get my protein in.
Here is a brief list of items I will consume during the Raw Fit Challenge.
Majority of my diet will be from...
Greens (lots and lots of spinach, kale, wild greens, etc.,)
Seaweed products
A fair of amount of...
Not too much...
Fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, etc)
Hemp Protein Powder
Raw Power Powder
Goji Berries
Chia Seeds
photos by Sheba Wheeler