Fruit is a bit boring for me.
I want some greens and I am actually tired of juicing them. I want to chew on a big bowl of kale salad or try Courtney's Spirulina Salad (yes, I would totally break down and buy the pricey green powder) or I would love to eat my seaweed chowder. Yummy. Tomorrow, tomorrow. Or maybe I'll break the rules and eat it tonight. ;0
Oh and guess what I bought at the rawluck the other night?
Kelp noodles! How good do they sound with the seaweed chowder? Or maybe I'll make some sort of noodle bowl.
Okay, the colonics. In one word UNEVENTFUL.
Yes, I had debris, poo and such. I even had a few parasites, I've got to get another cleanse. But all in all there was a whole lot that came out. I was expecting massage amounts of crap (excuse the pun) exiting my body. But that didn't happen.
It was a little here, a little there. The colon therapist told me as things were exiting my body what it was but everything looked the same to me.
The poo looked like the parasite which looked like the debris which looked like...well you get it. I also felted very gassy. The therapist gave me handouts to tell me why I might be gassy. I haven't read them yet. But I think it might have to do with eating solids for the first time in 3 months.
So there goes my adventures in colonics. Yeah.

On Today's menu:
1/2 of a huge Honeydew melon (shared with the children)