On Today's Menu:
2 quarts kale/celery/carrot
1 quart orange juice/MSM
1 quart prune water
8 oz soaked prunesAfter a weekend of feeling ill and sleeping all the time, I awoke last night feeling famished. I was really, really hungry. Despite my steady intake of juices I felt like I was starving. Time to soak the prunes.
It is time to move on from my juicy adventures. I had a wonderful time and now I'm ready to bring solids back into my life.
Did I mentioned I have been coughing so hard I've lost my voice? I have a sexy, husky Demi Moore voice. I seem to remember starting my feast back in December with that same voice. I was sick with a cold then also. Strange.
I am sipping my prune water as I type this but I haven't eaten my prunes yet. I would like to do a video (a la Ms. Angela) documenting that experience. That should happen this afternoon and hopefully I'll have it posted tonight or tomorrow. It will be interesting shooting a video with no voice but we shall see. I have some ideas on that one.
I'll go into greater detail about this juice feasting process as time goes on. Truth be told I'm still kind of tired and I think I just might go take a nap.
Who knows I might sleep through this day and not take in solids until tomorrow.
Oh, yes the weigh-in. Well I tempted fate and got on the scale this morning. I hate being weighed, no matter how great you look (and feel) a number will always F*** it up for you.
Which is why I won't be weighing myself anytime soon. Once every 3 months seems to suit me. So that's the plan, next weigh-in: July. If at all.
I will let you know that during this juice feast I lost a total of 47 pounds. Not bad, not bad at all.
Fortunately, I lost it in all the right spots and got to keep my T&A, which will create a very nice photo. Oh, Keely my Diva you are absolutely right with the Cotton Club. My photo shoot is a sexy 1920s inspired theme. I can't wait.
I can't help but to thank all of you again for your continued support during this time of my life. I love you all and everything you own! ;)
Peace and love,