I want to thank the lovely folks at Blogger for choosing Inspiration:Life for a "blog of note". It is quite an honor that they have chosen not one but two of my blogs to feature in less than a year's time. That is totally rawsome!
I want to show my love and devotion to the readers who check in on me from time to time to read about my adventures in juice feasting and the raw lifestyle. I appreciate you.
I want to show my love and devotion to the readers who check in on me from time to time to read about my adventures in juice feasting and the raw lifestyle. I appreciate you.
To all the new visitors, I hope you enjoy my life as much as I do. Well, I don't always enjoy my life, but I'll let you know about those times.
Here's a quick guide to help you get up to speed.
Photo Gallery (Before and After photos)
Peace and love,