'This is awkward' - young buck takes a shine to blonde teenager
The owl who flew 2,000 miles - but finally arrived by helicopter
Ravens Use 'Hand' Gestures to Communicate
Adulterous Male Birds Don't Put Eggs in One Basket
Breeding hopes for Barbary lions at Port Lympne
Animals Talking in all Caps
Breathtaking photographs of deadly snakes
Kung Fu Gecko
Pictures: "Gorgeous" Dinosaur Nest Found Full of Babies
Ten Weirdest Life-forms of 2011
Aeroacoustics of Flight: 'Singing' Hummingbird Tails
Giant pandas to be FedEx-ed from China to Britain
Germaine Greer: Rats don't deserve so much hostility

Lions playing in the Masai Mara, Kenya, photographed by Paul Souders
Top 10 winter birds in pictures
British cuckoos take their winter break – in the congo
10 Beasts Locked in Brutal Combat
10 Incredible Tales of Interspecies Nursing
Study Values Polar Bears at $420,000 Apiece
First Wolves Tagged for GPS Tracking in Turkey
The Color of Danger in Nature: Photos
Horse Slaughter Ban Lifted: Congress Reinstates Federal Funding
Zebras Escape From Petting Zoo And Roam Town
Ringling Brothers Agree To USDA Fine For Allegedly Violating Animal Welfare Act
OR-7, Wandering Wolf, Inspires Hope And Dread
Animal Photos Of The Week
Fruit Bat Orphans Bottle-Fed At Hospital In Australia