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thoughts on spinning + introducing plates!

the beauty of life
(new painting. print available ---> here)

I keep having these conversations about how I often feel like I'm spinning. Spinning in and out of mama world, in and out of biz world, in and out of house chores, and on and on. As time moves forward, the spinning feels faster, like I'm constantly and quickly spinning from one thing to the next. I can't keep up, and I worry sometimes that I'm moving too fast. After I had True, life really slowed down for me on a very personal/internal level. I like the slow, I've embraced it, yet the rest of my life isn't on the slow speed. When I'm with baby and family I'm there spiritually, physically, mentally and I totally feel settled, in the moment, and breathing. I'm even a little surprised at how calm I feel inside these hours. Love it!

When I spin out of family time and into another piece of my life (biz, housework, personal biz, etc), all hell breaks loose and it's fast, fast, hurry, hurry, do, do, do - all stuff I want to be doing, but the pace is FAST. It's sort of driving me bananas, the in and out, the calm and the storm. I can't seem to have a full conversation on the phone, finish a thought, follow up on house projects, and gather up all the scattered pieces - even just for a day or so - of my crazy full amazing life. Do not get me wrong - I'm not complaining, but rather trying to figure out how to cope with all the pieces that are in the air at all times.

I know so many of you can relate. Please say you can relate :)

And then I had a vision, an aha moment that put all my chaotic spinning feelings into the sweetest most positive perspective. I have to share it with you.

kelly rae twirl vintage

As I was trying to reframe the whole spinning chaotic feelings I was having, I thought of the above recent photo that my friend Andrea took of me. I thought of how happy I was in that moment. How alive I felt. How joyous I felt. And yet, there I am blissed out and, you guessed it, SPINNING!


And then I thought of this photo that I took of her a couple of years ago. There she is blissfully SPINNING during a fun silly moment with our cameras.

And then I thought of this shot taken during the same play hour together. That's me being sassy after my spell of spinning in the grass.

And then I thought of this photo of my gorgeous friend Ali spinning on the OR coast - wide open and happy. 

That imagery and memory of physically spinning in wide open spaces, while having so much fun, was all it took for me to completely reframe my feelings of chaos. I'm still spinning, and quickly, but I can now envision myself joyfully spinning (like these photos show + represent), rather than dreadfully spinning from from one piece of my life to the next. Now I can see (and celebrate) myself spinning, arms wide open, receiving all there is to receive inside those spins, gathering up all the breath, air, beauty, stillness, and freedom and taking it with me to the next landing place, even if just for a few moments, before spinning again to the next place.

So there you have it. I'm so getting my spin on, friends. And I wish the same for you if you happen to also be in a season of your life that involves a lot of it. Let's spin spin spin with joy and wide open arms (and hearts). I do fully trust and see now how there really is beauty inside the smallest of moments, even inside the moments of spinning and moving and collecting all the goodness during the twirls.

love always wins plate

ps: Super super excited to announce our latest new product: plates. Not just any plates, but super cute 8" plates that are fully functional, oven safe, dishwasher safe, microwave safe! LOVE!

There are four in the collection (collect all four or purchase individually) and I'm thinking they're pretty darned perfect for gift giving, or the kitchen, or adding to your wall decor.  They're up in the shop! Get em' while you can!