Reposting two photos tonight that I realized I had more to say about. In the first photo, you can see me hanging on for dear life in the back row with my hub and daughters to the right. The guy on the left is my dad. I love that my dad and I are in this photo, on a terrifying ride (the Tower of Terror at CA Adventure) and having a hysterically good laugh. I love that my dad is still able to do these seriously fun things with me and my girls. How many grandpas ride roller coasters and crazy drop out rides in their 70's? I guess if yours does, you are lucky too.
My dad and I first went to Disneyland together about 42 years ago. He took me on the Matterhorn when I was somewhere around two years old. I'm feeling tons of gratitude tonight that we are still riding roller coasters together all these years later. I hope we get to do for many more years to come. Love you Dad, and thanks for spending my birthday with me.