Blog Archive

take me out

it's been a busy couple days in our cluttered little apartment.

I'm trying to sort through problems with my mail, my taxes, and my credit card all at once. nothing overly drastic, mostly just inconvenient. I may tell you about it when I am better able to keep my eye lids fully open...

for now, just a quick outfit post. haven't done one of those in a while. :)

I got the cute hair style from Naomi of Rockstar Diaries. I discovered their cute family blog recently and I can't get enough! they're adorable.
the hair is really easy, too; just twist two pigtails, then pin at the top of your head!

dress- forever21 // jacket- zara // tights- american apparel // shoes- topshop 

this was my day off, so I wanted to take full advantage and wear something nice...even though I had nothing to do. I did little things around the apartment till hubs got home, then was able to persuade him to dinner and a movie. it was one of those rare occasions where you go somewhere simply because you dressed up.

oh, and the movie was awesome. Crazy Stupid Love. no really, it was great! not what I expected at all, and really, really funny (two reallys!). watch it and see. 

now I need to go to bed. xo

playing: all hands on a grain of sand- Amelia Curran