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"i am caged in the sky."

"What undying sentiment is this that throbs through my being? It has captured me like a beast in a cage, yet has freed me into the fading clouds where I fly until I fall. I sleep, then I wake, and in one moment I am happy until the remembrance of this feeling returns, and again I am caged in the sky. The clock chimes and ticks, yet its small, golden hands never move. Time has been paralyzed. And all caused by a single emotion that creeps up my body, beginning at my toes and ascending higher like a cold shiver. My soul aches to know...simply to know. And I am miserable."

{a creative sketch by Maria Elyse}

I just wrote this paragraph today; I was feeling really inspired and emotional, and so I just started writing. I may use it as a sketch for a novel idea, or add it to one of my existing novels. I'm not even sure what I think of it as of right now...but it's an honest picture of something (though I don't know quite what) that I feel at the moment.

The past few days have been like a leftover breeze of summer...the sun is just warm and completely beautiful. It's not hot or uncomfortable, the sun's rays simply feel like a hug from a good friend...happy and comforting and perfect. The air smells familiar and the breeze against my cheeks feels like playful laughter. This kind of weather at this time of year makes me so incredibly nostalgic. I think it's what the weather in heaven will be like...

Today was "nerd/geek day" at school, and I so wanted to take outfit photos to show you guys what I wore (and still am wearing) but I'm still camera-less. I walked into the music room before the bell rang for class, and my amazing music teacher says, "Oh my goodness, you are way too cute to be a nerd!" It made me laugh. :) Some people seriously went all-out in dressing as nerdy as possible...button-up collared shirts, high waisted trousers, patterned socks, and loafers. Which to me kinda just screams "cute!", but to the rest of the school screams "nerdy!". This fact also makes me laugh. :)

Happy Wednesday, my lovelies!

Maria Elyse

blouse: from my childhood dress-up box
shorts: vintage old navy
knee socks: target
hat: gifted
platforms: target
suitcase: vintage