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A Mabon With Friends

We were invited to a autumn equinox gathering last week, and oh how wonderful it was!  I can't tell you how priceless it is to feel as though we're forming a little spiritual community.  I get together at the full moon every month with these lovely friends, and it was so nice to have a chance to bring our children together in celebration as well. 

The children set up this beautiful altar in the woods, completely by their own initiative.  We mamas were quite awed when we were called over to see it!

The littles had such a good time running and hiding in the woods.  It felt like a magical evening in just the right place.

following photos taken by a talented friend:

We read the story of Demeter and Persephone out in a lovely spot in the woods:

same friend!

One mama arranged a nature scavenger hunt.  The kids had a blast running around collecting items such as pinecones, leaves, rocks, and milkweed pods:

Another mama, my above-mentioned friend, brought a set of special cards so that the children could each discover their animal spirit guide:

And of course, we had loads of yummy food.  Smores were a big hit!

Some of us liked our marshmallows a bit more burnt cooked than others:

Fall has always been hard for me.  Despite its beauty it has always made me sad.  I love warm weather and sunshine, and always dread the dark, dreary days ahead.  I read something recently that helped me turn my thinking around.  The book said that instead of focusing on the things that are falling away - leaves, sunshine, flowers - autumn is a time to shift focus and celebrate the wonderful things that endure and remain - home, family, the inner spirit, and friends. 

When I look at it this way, this season doesn't seem too sad after all.  Bring it on, fall!