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Every morning I wake up at 6.10am, walk the dogs, get in, make a cup of tea along with breakfast, and sit down to eat/relax whilst giving myself the first socail injection of the day - this being morning TV - Daybreak to be precise! ooooooh Dan Lobb (massive tv crush lol).

Ok so this morning the focus of the programme seemed to be based around Blackpool, (a seaside resort very close to home home), couldn’t quite believe it when they said that Blackpool-Illuminations were set to be switched on tomorrow, always remember this being the start of Christmas when I was younger (have i made that up??)- tradition used to be to que in the traffic to see the lights go on whilst elbow fighting the rival siblings in the car, I used to write about this at school lol! A song comes to mind…

'Ilumintaions, illuminations, illuminations, clouds in the sky, clouds in the sky, wanna know why, wanna know why, poke a needle in my eye, eye eye!!!

Good job me and the twinny twin twin didn’t go into song writing - not our forte ha ha, if you know me and feel you need a rendition of this song to gain a true senes of its impact  feel free to ask, although please note its always better received when sang as a duo ha!

So with Blackpool-Illuminations in mind it got me thinking bout illuminated fashion, I remember Katy Perry once taking a slice a of pie from Ga Ga and stole the press' attention for an illuminated dress she wore to the Costume Institute Gala Benefit at the Metropolitan Musem of Art. (Image below)

So if your off to Blackpool for the occasion and feel the need to join in, the company you need to get in touch with are called Cute Circuit!

Enjoy Illuminating Blackpool!

Oh and message to Daybreak - theres a time and place for Cannon and Ball, and morning ain it!