Blog Archive

Waking Wednesday Hiatus

Dear friends,

I'm sorry to say that Waking Wednesday (not Waking Lucia!) is taking a pause.  Not by choice, but because the once free website that hosted the link parties is now charging for their service.  I understand the need for them to charge, and it's really quite reasonable, but my monies need to be spent elsewhere for the time being.   I'm sorry for the short notice, I actually just saw it myself, but I hope you'll continue to stop by.   Perhaps I'll figure out how to do a flicker group where we can still all share our ideas.  We'll see, but for now Wednesdays will be filled with great craft ideas I've found around the web - which is fun too! 

Thank you to everyone who participated in Waking Wednesdays.  It means so much to me that you would think to include me in your craft journey.  You've inspired me and others time and time again.  All I can say is you ladies rock!