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Valentine's Day: Make

Like I was saying, Valentine's day is right around the corner.  And although I'm sure you have everything totally planned out - flowers ordered, gifts wrapped, reservations made - I found these great ideas and thought I'd throw them up here just for the heck of it... to look at... not that you need help...cause you don't.

                                                                   1.  Gumball Necklace  
                                                                   2.  Stitching on Greenery
                                                                   3.  Framed Heart         
                                                                   4.  Wire Font

And while we're on the subject of gifts, I thought I'd share something I've made.  On my journey to awaken my Lucia I've become somewhat of a novice seamstress...and by novice I mean I know how to sew a straight stitch in something that somewhat resembles a straight line... sort of.  But I'm trying, and I've had a ton of inspiration.  One being my cousin.  She taught herself how to sew and quilt and embroider and I think she's awesome.  For my baby shower she made me the most adorable bib and burp cloth set.  I loved it so much I decided to copy her design (thanks Ang!) for my neighbor who just had a baby.  Imitation is the best form of flattery, right?  Well, here's the gift set I made - bib and teething necklace. 

As with each of my sewing projects, I learn a frustrating helpful lesson.  Lesson of the day - make your cuts exact!  I was so careful when cutting the main fabric, but rushed through cutting the terrycloth (the back) because I was too anxious to get to the sewing part - resulting in frustration and a bib with flaws.  Which brings me to lesson #2 - Don't get upset with your husband when he tells you it looks great!  He's being sweet - even if you know it looks terrible, don't insist he say that.  You know what I mean ladies.  Well, regardless, I'm proud of it and hopefully the new mommy getting it gets distracted by the pretty fabric and doesn't notice it's misshapen. 

Thanks for tuning in!  Have a wonderful Thursday!